Staff/Volunteer Information

Thank you for your interest in helping out at PopCult Anime Con!

The entire PCAC staff is run by volunteers, from the department heads to the runners! Volunteering is a great way to meet new people, learn new skills and save money while still attending a fun convention. Let us know what your interests are and we can hook you up with a compatible department, or if you just want to help out wherever help is needed you may end up on our Wandering Ronin team working with all sorts of people during the weekend of PCAC!

When signing up to volunteer, please consider your ability to work as a part of team and follow instructions. We expect our staff to be respectful and have a positive attitude while at the convention. PCAC staff are each given their own individual staff shirt to wear during shift hours, and as such we request staff do not cosplay while on duty. Volunteers should expect to work 22-26 hours over the course of three days (Friday-Sunday) in exchange for free badges to the con, shared hotel space and access to meals. All staff must be 18 years of age or older prior to the first day of the convention to volunteer and are expected to be a stellar example of the PCAC Code of Conduct throughout the event.

We look forward to working with you!