Karaoke Returns!

♪♫♪♫♪ Hosted by VirtualPlay ♪♫♪♫♪

Back by popular demand! Join us in our karaoke lounge and wow fellow congoers with your singing skills~
With an on-demand song selection system and open audience seating, perform with your friends or just sit and watch the shows unfold!


Regarding song selection, please consider that we are a family-friendly convention and that people outside of the karaoke room will likely be able to hear your performance. We will have a list of no-play songs but will also be relying on you to make selections that are PG-16 safe, with minimal swearing and/or offensive content. Karaoke staff reserves the right to cut songs short due to content.

♪♫♪ Karaoke Hours ♪♫♪